Luisa Kelly always believed in her Pa Angus’ foretelling that one day she would tell her story. He had implied during an extremely tough time in her life that there was a greater purpose to all Luisa was experiencing and that one day she would share it with the world. She patiently waited and waited for the right time and means. Once that opportunity arose, Luisa bravely embarked on an incredible journey.
Tapestries of Time is the product of her exploration. What has evolved is the narrative of an incredibly resilient woman reflecting on her life. Remarkable vulnerability is contained in Luisa’s recollections, inseparable from the courage exposed when extremely raw, deep, and difficult emotions surfaced.
Yes, this book is about remembering and retelling. Yet the cumulative process has been purposeful in the coalescence of her transformation; in enabling Luisa to reflect, reveal and reclaim her heart’s truths, thereby rediscovering her true nature. Amidst the plethora of colours, images, emotions and situations offered, you will undoubtably find yourself somewhere in her tapestry picture.